About us

Deutsche Version: Der Flüchtlingsrat
Version française: qui nous sommes

The Refugee Council RLP e.V. is an association of various parties from the migration and integration sector in Rhineland-Palatinate. This is a political platform for both full-time and voluntary personnel which represents and campaigns for the rights and interests of refugees.

The council supports the solidarity-based aid for refugees in Rhineland-Palatinate. This is achieved through networking, providing information and organizing advanced training for full-time and voluntary workers from specialist services, counseling centers, initiatives and organizations. The council is committed to supporting social integration for refugees, as well as campaigning for humane refugee policies. Aside from the Head Office, there is also a Coordination Group which acts as an advisory platform. This group plays an important role in the content-related work and cooperates closely with the Board and Head Office.

The Refugee Council RLP e.V. is a member of a federal working group for refugees Pro Asylum, and works in participation with other refugee councils in Germany.

„For the right to have rights!“ Hannah Arendt

The Refugee Council RLP e.V. demands full respect and protection of fundamental human rights, in particular in the following areas:

  • That all peoples seeking asylum have access to inependent and qualified advisory council from the beginning of the process
  • Education for everybody: German courses and access to the regular school system for children and adolescents from the first day
  • Decent lodging in decentralized, small housing and flats
  • The right to live together as a family
  • Unrestricted access to the labor market
  • A supportive, open and diverse society, that respects the rights of refugees
  • A human refugee policy in Rhineland-Palatinate with social and political participation for refugees

Political lobby, networking, information

Lobby for refugees:

  • dialogue with political parties to demand tangible improvements
  • professional studies and opinions
  • Public relations and campaigns

Exchange and networking:

The state-wide plenums, take place five times a year and are open to everyone. Here there is room for exchange and networking between activists and colleagues. Current topics and developments are not only discussed, they are also supported by professional lectures. Click here to see the upcoming dates.

Info & qualifications:

Circulars with information and practical advice in regards of current developments and questions. Interested? Write an email to info@fluechtlingsrat-rlp.de

Qualification- and exchange offers for full-time and voluntary workers, further training on current asylum procedures and the law relating to asylum seekers.
